Frequently Asked Questions

Do you work with event planners?

Absolutely! We frequently collaborate with event planners to ensure a cohesive and visually stunning experience for your event. By working closely with event planners, we can seamlessly integrate our designs with your event’s overall theme and vision.

What specific services do you offer as a graphic designer for events?

We offer a comprehensive range of graphic design services tailored specifically for events. These include:

  • Event Logos & Branding: Crafting unique and memorable logos that represent the essence of your event.
  • Event Save the Dates / Invitations: Designing elegant and eye-catching save the dates and invitations.
  • Digital Banners & Social Media Posts: Creating engaging digital banners and social media graphics to promote your event online.
  • Sponsorship Packages & Flyers: Designing attractive sponsorship packages and flyers to attract potential sponsors.
  • Microsites / Landing Pages: Developing dedicated microsites or landing pages for event registration and information.
  • PowerPoint Presentations: Customizing presentations to enhance speaker sessions and workshops.
  • Award Ceremony Slideshows: Designing impactful slideshows for award ceremonies.
  • Scrolling Sponsor Loop: Creating continuous sponsor loop graphics to highlight your sponsors during the event.
  • Raffle Screen Graphics: Designing graphics for raffle announcements and winners.
  • Motion Event Logo Screen: Animating your event logo for dynamic screen displays.
  • Dinner Menu Design: Designing elegant dinner menus that match your event’s theme.
  • Posters: Creating visually appealing posters for event promotion.
  • Run of Show Printable Program: Designing printable programs outlining the event schedule.
  • Table Signs: Designing informative and stylish table signs.
  • Step and Repeat Design: Creating step and repeat backdrops for photo opportunities.

Can you provide details on your pricing structure?

Our pricing structure is based on a per-product design model. This means you only pay for the specific design services you need. For a detailed quote tailored to your event’s requirements, please contact us directly. We’ll be happy to discuss your needs and provide a comprehensive pricing breakdown.

For any additional questions or to start planning your event’s graphic design, please reach out to We’re excited to help make your event a visual success!